Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Megacon Rush!

As MegaCon fast approaches I reflect back on what happened. I remember the part where I planned on making three costumes in time for Megacon (not happening) and how I spaced everything perfectly so I wouldn't be last minute doing everything! And mostly worked. I am proud of myself for having at least two costumes (almost) done and not pulling out any of my hair. :D

I finished Left Hand and he looks marvelous! I'm really excited! I'm really glad I attached him to a glove, it will make my life so much easier.

I also started and finished painting the inside of D's cape! And I also found out that my bathtub is not even close to three yards long.

I was originally planning on making D's armor with my vacuum forming machine. I totally forgot the part where I have to make my mold out of plaster.....Things were looking pretty grim, and then I remembered I had a bunch of leftover InstaMorph from Dragoncon!! Yay!!!

I was spray painting these this morning and my neighbor kept on looking over and smiling at me. And staring.....

I was planning on gluing a piece of leather to the bottom of my hat so it looked nice and shiny, but I totally forgot to look at the glue warning rule is basically if half the can has warnings about how you could die from cancer or have trouble breathing it's a no-no! Le sigh. But I ended up dying the bottom and it looks good too. I also added some apoxie scuplt decoration and a little chain for some added umph!

Here is a cool picture (which shows very little) and a crappy picture (which shows more) of my splicer costume! I promise better pictures soon!

Exactly how I feel! YAY! (

I'm soooooo excited! I'm just about done with everything, which is a good thing since I'm leaving tomorrow night.... I'll get some good pictures of everything together!


  1. I have never seen the show with the face-hand, but that is totally awesome in a vaguely creepy way =D

  2. Somehow I completely missed this comment! Yeah, the first time I watched Bloodlust I had a really hard time with not being freaked out by the hand! Luckily he's the comic relief for the movie, so it all works out and now he's my favorite! I also forgot the part that latex stretches....only a little paint flicked off, but I think I'll have to re-paint with rubber cement!
