Sunday, April 20, 2014

Purple shirt, green skirt!

After I decided to make all my clothes because I was sick of nothing fitting right, I have never had so much fun deciding what to make next! It used to take me hours and hours to find even a shirt that I thought I would wear, and don't even get me started on dresses!

So here is another shirt I've been working on!! Ta daaaaa!

 I still have a few things to add, (buttons to the slit at the bottom and sleeves) but I think it's well on it's way! I love that middle bib!

Oh, but the best part about this shirt? It's a pull-on! Yay!! No nasty zippers or painful buttons, just nice elastic around the middle part!

Obviously I'm taking this photoshoot veeeeeeery seriously. Very. Serious. Ha ha.

This skirt was actually a complete replica (minus the adorable green flower print) of a brown skirt I wore out, and it's PERFECT!

Just look what I can do with it! I can become steampunk person! Watch out! I have a bow and leather vest!

Or I can stop and pick some carnations from my vase on the table. How romantic!

The possibility are endless, but for your sake, this post is not. Ta ta for now!

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