Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Green, green and more green!

Yesterday my machine had a six hour long heart attack! Nothing I could do would make it properly work. I tried new thread, I re-threaded it a thousand times, gave it new bobbins, all while speaking very encouragingly! Finally it gave several electronic beeps and decided to work again!

In between trying to give my poor machine life again, I managed to hand sew several items!  The lining on the back of the bottom of the swimsuit was the first. I took in the top of the swimsuit as well, the torso was a little long for me, and it kept pulling funny.
I took apart the bottom of a shirt I never wear, and used the elastic for the top of the gloves.
I also managed to finish a nice whip stitch on  the top of the gloves.Yay! I'm very proud.

The major problem with the top of this is that I needed to make sure it would stay on. After my machine came back to life, I added a nice big strap to go around, connecting the two piece top  and the straps to the back.

It's really hard to wiggle into now, but at least I know it won't come off unexpectedly! It's practically glued on now!

Next part is to add the gold silk part! I got excited about drawing it on a scrap part of fabric, but it didn't fit the swimsuit at all! So I drew it again on another piece according to how the swimsuit was shaped. Now all I have to do it sew it on!

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