Sunday, August 17, 2014

De Moogle Staff start!!

Sorry I haven't been updating my blog! But I promise I've been working hard! Here is a picture fest of what I've been up to! :D

I think I mentioned this before, but I am swapping with my friend (ie: he's helping with electronics and I'm helping with costume) so I am going to have a cool light up staff!
I found this neato picture of moogle with a staff and I had the great idea of making a miniature moogle to go on my own staff!
My plan is to have his little fuzzy poof be the light up part of my staff!
So first I made the wire body, and then covered it with scotch tape!

I also decided tried using paperclay....but just one little package was like 5 dollars and it didn't even cover the body! So yeah.....

I then found this great website about making your own paper mache clay (click here!) and it started layering!

He's soooooo cute!! I got excited and colored in the eyes before it was cute!!!!
'Till next time!

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