Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Dress, why you no like me?

I was so excited about my dress that I had finished, but the result was....disastrous. Too disastrous for pictures!! It was ridiculously stiff and short and stuck out in strange places. Why dress why? I've made dresses before! :-(
I took it apart and am going to start again. 

Luckily for me, I happened to buy a beautiful work table! No longer must I slave on the floor sewing! I have a gorgeous inlaid table to work on!

And I also made my feather headpieces fluffier! Now I can fly away!


  1. you should have taken pictures... for posterity ;-)

    you never know, somebody might come by and have helpful advice. i've certainly had my fair share of epic fails so i might even have had an idea. doubtful.... but maybe. and your table is fab! love it. i can't have nice things cuz i have kidz =P

    1. Ha ha ha ha, I don't think posterity would have appreciated the dress at all, but it would be nice to have some feedback on how stuff looks!
      I love your blog and all your photos, it makes me want to create more things myself!
