Or so it was supposed to be. See those nice shiny teeth? I got them at a cheap-o Halloween store and they were
supposed to use silicone to kinda just rest on your teeth. But of course, they used a super super cheap silicone that never. dried. Never. And it tasted horrible.
So, I thought, well, I can improvise, right? I decided to try and melt some plastic into the hollow part of the teeth and then quickly put it on my teeth! Voila! New teeth!
Except it didn't go quite as planned..... Because melting plastic into a small tooth hole is really really hard!
Ah! Fire! How lovely! |
Plus the fire kinda got out of hand, and I ended up melting a bunch of plastic onto my hands!!! And for some reason it wouldn't come off of my hands, so I ended up having a million plastic specks on my hands!
And the tooth was ruined. Nooo! I called my Dad up for sympathy, and he thought it was so funny, he said I should dress up with just one tooth and be a homeless vampire!!!! Ha ha ha! Well, here's for you Dad!
Anyway, I ended up getting a pack (yes, vampire teeth come in packs!) of teeth so I could mess around with them! I ended up cutting gums into them, melting them a little bit and Hey presto! Vampire teeth!
Oh oh oh, and the best part? They glow in the dark! Mwhahahahaha!
Yeah baby! I know that the love I have for these teeth will not be in vein! Or will they? Mwhahahha!
I always turn to Vampire any time I want to. I become a Vampire because of how people treat me, this world is a wicked world and not fair to any body. at the snack of my finger things are made happened. am now a Powerful Man and no one step on me without an apology goes free. i turn to Human being also at any time i want to. and am one of the most dreaded Man in my Town. i become a Vampire through the help of my friend who introduce me into a Vampire Kingdom by given me their email. if you want to become a Powerful Vampire kindly contact the Vampire Kingdom on their Email: Vampirelord7878@gmail.com