Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Sneak Peek!

For Valentine's Day I am going to go strawberry picking with the S. FL Lolita group! I'm really excited about it, and even more excited about putting together a dress for it! I'm going for cupcake look. 

It's not even close to finished, but hey! I guess that's why it's called a sneak peek! I'm looking forward to the finished product!

But seriously, check out that pink fabric on the bottom. It's SQUIRRELS!! Pink squirrels in love over acorns! I'm nuts about it!! SQUIRRELS!!!!!!


  1. Hahaha! I definitely never would've guessed there was pink squirrel/nut fabric. Nuts about it teehee. Excellent.

  2. Ha ha ha! At the event I kept on getting all excited about the squirrels!
