Monday, November 18, 2013

Fabric Fatality!!

So a while ago I was given four yards of pink silky pretty fabric...But I had no idea how horrible this stuff was....
I am now certain that this fabric came from Hell. It was woven by Satan himself.
Mwahahahahaha!!! PINK!!!
But seriously, this stuff was terrible! I tried to hem such luck, it just jammed up my machine! I tried to pin it, but the pins came popping out! I taped the stupid stuff, but it didn't stick either! And to make it even worse, It frayed like no other, and was wispy and stuck on everything nearby. Oh, did I mention I even took a lighter to it to try and burn the edges to keep them from fraying? THIS FABRIC WAS FIRE RESISTANT! Why was this made into a fabric? It would have been perfect as some sort of weapon material! I managed to sew it onto a cotton backing and that seemed to help, but seriously. It also refused to lie flat! I had absolutely no leeway with this fabric!

I was going for a Chobits Chii costume at first, (before I realized how horrible my fabric choice was) so yeah....

That's not happening....Why is it pulling in such weird places? And it looks like I sewed it totally uneven!

Would it look better shorter in the front? Nooooooo......
How about if I wear a puffy underbustle?  Now I just look....poofy!
Yeaaaaah.....Not so much....
Siiiigh....At least I only spent three hours on this dress (Yay! I'm getting better!) But seriously. This went straight into the trash.
So long Satan Fabric!

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