I left off the last post where I finished the template of Nausicaa's hat. The next part was were the trouble started!
I decided that since Nausicaa's goggles are a little more oval shaped than most of the others in the movie, purchasing some swim goggles would be perfect!
With helpful guide to wearing! |
Ta da! But the best part about these were the overly informative picture instructions! I thought it was so funny I took a picture! I wish they came with captions underneath...Maybe I can improvise! First box, "What are these?!" Second box, "I can see my dreams coming true!" Third box, "Ready for some serious action shots!!"
It's really hard to take a picture when you can't see! |
So the next step was trying to measure where these suckers were going to go in comparison to the template hat. I put the template hat on, put the goggles over it, and then traced the goggles with a sharpie, thinking maybe I could just wear the goggles underneath the hat without any messy sewing.
Sharpie-rific! |
Then I took the hat and cut where the holes were to see if my original plan would work. Which I don't think it will anymore. those oval goggles require some serious sewing skills.
At any rate, I went ahead with my template to start the hat. I figured that since the fabric is so different it won't really make a difference if I kept fooling around with the template.
Circumference of the head headband! |
hat all together! |
Pins mark where the goggles need to go. |
I think I'm going to have to create a double hat and sew those beautiful goggles into the hat...I'll work on it tonight and keep you posted! All in all, I'm excited to see how it works out!
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